Originally Posted by nosaj
Fixed: The disappearing login box. I replaced the"page_header.php" form the working "gallery1" includes folder intogallery2 and gallery3 includes folders. At first, I edited thepage_header.php file separately for each gallery increasing the chancesof me making a mistake. So, the cause of the problem was poor copyingand pasting on my part. :cross-eyed:
good that you have it sort out.
Not Fixed: The logout problem causing this error: "An erroroccurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out."
Most likely it is another editing problem on my part. So I am going totake my time and look over everything very carefully. And see if I canfind another mistake I may of made. I'll let you know how it turns out.
there's something changed from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 that deletingmyuserid value from the logout link. I have few copies in 1.7.0 workingfine, and one in 1.7.1 giving that error.
The idea is to add your userid into logout link.
will come back later with a fix.