Originally Posted by Ron1n
Correct. I think that your problem here is just the templates. Try uploading the installer again, uninstalling 2.0, and reinstalling 2.0. This should fix all your problems. Tell me if it doesnt.
Search in dl_functions.php for prep_file, and it should be there. If it is, upload it to your server again. If it isnt, then you probably overwrote dl_functions.php with your old file and you need to download 2.0c and get the file again.
This was a clean install, no previous versions. I searched in dl_functions and could not find a "prep_file" but was able to find "file_prep":
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepare for renaming
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function file_prep($text) {
$patterns = array("~","`","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","{","}","|","\\",":",";","\"","'","<",",",">","?","/");
return str_replace($patterns, "", $text);
Well I obviously see the problem now, so I guess its just an error in your new files, because I changed "file_prep" to "prep_file" and it works fine now.