1. Login from forum, go to your albums and see if you are logged on
*Did that, logged into the forum which logged me into all three Galleries. Works fine.*
2. Then come back to forum, logout, go to your albums and see if you are logged out.
*Did that, Logged out at forum logged me out of all three Galleries*
3. Login from one album, go to other albums and forum, see if you are logged on (if not, where?)
*Did that, Logged into Gallery1 which logged me into all three Galleries and forum*
4. Logout from one album (or forum), go to other albums, see if you are logged out.
*Did that, when logging out of Gallery1, 2 or 3 it says "An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out." when I click "Click here to log out" I am then logged out.
When logging out from the forum it works fine without error.
In a nutshell the main problem is there is no login box to put in a Username:
& Password: in Galleries 2 & 3. as seen in attached Pictures.