Originally Posted by Scerina
Am workin on an Anne Rice forum and I want members who are 16 & above ONLY to join...is there anyway to change the age from 18 to 16 on this hack? Cuz I for one would use it in a heartbeat!
The area in the hack that says...
PHP Code:
1. open register.php
if ($year < ($current['year'] - 13) OR ($year == ($current['year'] - 13) AND $month <= $current['month']))
Replace with:
// 18 and older START by kinglifer
// if ($year < ($current['year'] - 13) OR ($year == ($current['year'] - 13) AND $month <= $current['month']))
if ($year < ($current['year'] - 18) OR ($year == ($current['year'] - 18) AND $month <= $current['month']))
// 18 and older END by kinglifer
do all the finds but replace it with this...
PHP Code:
// 18 and older START by kinglifer
// if ($year < ($current['year'] - 13) OR ($year == ($current['year'] - 13) AND $month <= $current['month']))
if ($year < ($current['year'] - 16) OR ($year == ($current['year'] - 16) AND $month <= $current['month']))
// 18 and older END by kinglifer
That will do 16+