Hi Guys - I have just crawled in from a very long trade show and jumped on as soon as I stepped in the door
There is a lot to catch up here on the past couple of days - but it looks like most has been covered by other users - thanks!
I would assume that problems like 'imagecreatefromgif()' are cuaed by your VB options selection for your GD library not being correct (check PHPinfo for your version)
Never bothered to run through a validator so Im not overly shocked. Ill put it on my todo list
If you are not seeing the GAS admincp menu - either your phrases didnt build right (check the readme for info) or the dile edit of admincp/index.php falied. Edit your admincp/index.pho fiel and search for GAS.
Regarding the importer: I just updated it to fix a typo on that line mentioned
Venom - Did you have an earlier version installed? You may have to revert your gas templates. Otherwise - check the settings (though the default is to show it)
Hope I got everything guys.