Originally Posted by danrak
That is correct yes. I would love to give yours a shot, but I haven't seen a mass upload feature yet. As I have 2.19 gigs, 2,230 files and 884 directories I would be adding them all for a year. I would be willing to donate if the feature was added to add the files and categories automatically.
Well, I don't know about adding a feature to do that... but I would consider doing something where you can add 100 files at a time via links. The only thing you would have to fill in, if you wanted to, would be authors and descriptions, and for authors you could just fill in one for all of them. I dont plan to create something to read a files right off of the server anytime soon.
If you are willing to pay about $100 I can make you a mod that has nothing to do with this that just reads in whatever is on your FTP and gives you links to the downloads... but I doubt thats what you want.