Originally Posted by nosaj
Yes, you can do it. Install seperate copy of 4images, indifferentfolder, with different prefixes for 4images database (forexample4images1_, 4images2_ ...)
When installing a fresh copyof the 4images Gallery, Duringinstallation, the default "Prefix fortables in database" is "4images_".Should that be blank or keep as is?The datebase of my vBulletin forumhas no Prefix.
Keep as is if you want to install as default. Change 4images_ prefix to whatever you want, if you want to have different copies.
Also, does this integration work with vBulletin Version 3.0.7?
Mine works fine.
I got this error message after install the integrated scripts.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRINGin/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/forum/includes/functions.php on line 2018
Have no idea what is wrong. try to edit again, dont try to put any special character in there.
or ... I cant recall if someone has the same problem, comingfromsomewhere. try to read over the posts in this thread or make asearchfor functions.php would be the best suggestion I have right now/
btw. your line look strange. here's my code on that line:
PHP Code:
$debughtml .= " (<a href=\"" .htmlspecialchars_uni(SCRIPTPATH) . iif(strpos(SCRIPTPATH, '?') ===false, '?', '&') . "tempusage=1\">Template Usage</a>)(<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni(SCRIPTPATH) .iif(strpos(SCRIPTPATH, '?') === false, '?', '&') ."explain=1\">Explain</a>)<br />\n";