Tomorrow Night...
Version (2) will be released!
New Things....
Complete New Control Panel (removed old version from permissions menu)
Configure Permissions
Monitor folders
View Stats
View Folder
View Draft Attachments
A nice simple interface that gives you great control of this mod!
New Service related features
Added Quick Reply Support
User Folder Stats
User override group permissions (full support for full qroups and now full support for single user within groups permissions!)
Auto switching control to support (attachments in the database and on the file system)
Plugin Ucash/Ushop, users can purchase Draft Access
Plugin Multi Quote ( save all quotes in a quick reply)
Pulgin file attachments for quick reply
Like the old version (no extra database query is run for any forum action)
Saving a draft will run (1) query!
All admin panel actions never use more than (2) db calls, tested the db so both MySQL 3 and 4 are both supported!
Upgrade will remove some old phrases and add new ones so they are only called in the Admin Control Panel! A few simple script edits to support the single user permissions! Alter the usergroup table to put permissions in a single bitwise column instead of using 12 columns! Db script included, will not effect anything that is in your db or data related to your forum or the old draft system. Just using better logic to make it more system friendly. One new temple for the user folder stats!
Upgrade less than 5 minutes~
Full install ten, to twenty!
see the images!
Also one other mode I am done testing will also be released tomorrow!
C, ya...