I think Unix is trying to say that by establishing vbwebmaster.cominregards to vBulletin itself (the prime utilization of the softwarebywebmasters) it should associate everything relative to Jelsoft anditsbrands as accurately as possible. For example, you would notaddressMicrosoft Windows, and Microsoft Window (I know in this case itsamissing letter, but its the same idea), the term Windows is abrandestablished by Microsoft, and people refer to it as so.
Another similar example, iPod. I address it as iPod as that iswhatApple has created. It has created the brand iPod. It's a name, andwhenyou refer to iPod you refer to it the way Apple has projected it.
Something like this, is like a person's name. My name is Arunan,mindyou if it was written as ArunAn, I would expect to be refered to asso.
I think, instead of trying to substantiate your reasons touseVBulletin, you should use a basis of common sense, and refer toaproduct as it was titled by the developers.
Now, let me take another tone; I am not telling you to do anything,itis just my view on this topic, and your opinion to use VBulletinisyours, I see it as wrong, you see it as right...you are freetocontinue using VBulletin, but when you associate yourself withanotherbrand, the common thing to do is take on its entity as it hasbeen set by the creators.
Furthermore, I guess your point (or the person who createdVBulletinWebmaster) of trying to look past the name for the content isa very unique way to approach it...but I guess to maximize your traffic(if I read properly, traffic is your main purpose) you have to do whatthe users like and wouldn't mind.
You might want to look at it this way, by keeping it at VBulletin youwill get a handful of members, whom do not mind at all the way you haveit, and like your content, but changing it to vBulletin, you will stillgain that same handful of members who wouldn't of minded the VBulletinvariation, but you will then set your self up to attract alot morewebmasters who are very thorough of the vBulletin brand.
You don't loose much by changing from VBWebmaster to vBWebmaster.