Originally Posted by Dean C
Well, IMO (  ) VB is not a good keyword to target if that's the keyword you're looking to bring traffic in off. I looked through the first two pages of that google search and not one result even remotely based around vBulletin. You're right, all traffic is good traffic, but you're not going to get to the top of the search engines targetting such a popular keyword  !
Once again you are not thinking in the big picture, this is not about vb or vbulletin alone. As I asked already, how many ways can you use that set of initials and word in a phrase?
Let's forget vbulletin and use widget instead.
If you can't come up with about 400 ways to do it in one, two and three word phrases, you aint trying.
You are absolutly correct in saying chasing vbulletin or vb alone may be a waste of time, but use it in a phrase and it becomes very possible.