It will work without it, because it sets reporterror to 0 before querying the table.
To make it better, do the follwoing edits to warn_install_setting:
Add after the kill_setting:
PHP Code:
// This function queries a table to check if it exists
function verify_table_exists($table)
global $DB_site;
if (empty($table))
return false;
$DB_site->reporterror = 0;
$DB_site->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "$table");
$DB_site->reporterror = 1;
return true;
PHP Code:
$custom = true;
$DB_site->reporterror = 0;
$custset = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warning_options");
$DB_site->reporterror = 1;
replace with
PHP Code:
$custom = false;
if (verify_table_exists('warning_options'))
$custom = true;