Not hard to do - create separate icons, and separate templates for each group - here, we'll have admins, mods, and other staff:
In functions_showthread.php, add the following instead of just what's in the instructions:
PHP Code:
// Icon Staff Hack by AnhTuanCool
// modified by bkaul for multiple icons
// get icon staff represent img and titles
$adminusergroupids = array('6');
$modusergroupids = array('5','7');
$staffusergroupids = array('30'); // your array of staff usergroupid
if (in_array($post['usergroupid'], $adminusergroupids))
eval('$post[\'iconstaff\'] .= "' . fetch_template('postbit_iconadmin'). '";');
if (in_array($post['usergroupid'], $modusergroupids))
eval('$post[\'iconstaff\'] .= "' .fetch_template('postbit_iconmod') . '";');
if (in_array($post['usergroupid'],$staffusergroupids))
eval('$post[\'iconstaff\'] .= "'. fetch_template('postbit_iconstaff') . '";');
Template postbit_iconadmin:
<div><img src="images/ranks/iconadmin.jpg" alt="$post[usergrouptitle]" border="0"></div>
Template postbit_iconmod:
<div><img src="images/ranks/iconmod.jpg" alt="$post[usergrouptitle]" border="0"></div>
Template postbit_iconstaff:
<div><img src="images/ranks/iconstaff.jpg" alt="$post[usergrouptitle]" border="0"></div>
Where the files iconadmin.jpg iconmod.jpg and iconstaff.jpg are thedesired icons for those groups, and are in the images/ranks directory.
Replace '30' with whatever number (or numbers) identify the usergroupsyou want as "staff" - obviously, this is a scalable change: create asmany or as few icon/template pairs as you'd like, and set up the ifstatement in the php file to match.