Originally Posted by sapper6fd
Stats for index.php with CMPS 1.0.1
Page generated in 0.21693 seconds with 23 queries (2 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 3.89 1.83 : 1.59]
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopicbits (5)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopics (1)
WOW.... How do I cut that back? How do I tell what pages arnt cached, and how do I cache them? BTW, thats with 3 people on the forum, shared server.
And you can tell what is uncached by looking at your post.
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopicbits (5)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopics (1)