Well I tried upgrading and I got some errors that were all ready posted so I will not post them here again. I then tried the uninstall and it said it uninstalled successfully my board worked fine you could brows threw but if you click on a thread a SQL error would pop up. So I am guessing the uninstaller uninstalls even the old version not just the updated part?
I don?t normally like to upgrade hacks like this I would rather install fresh copies. Is there anyway to manually remove the old hack so I can try a fresh install? I tried upgrading and then uninstalling and then doing a fresh install but that did not work. These auto installs scare me as I have no idea whats being changed. You think I could do in manually maybe? I just like to know whats being modified and I feel blind with auto installs. I had to revert to a backup copy of the board because I had no idea what was changed.
Only thing I have modified on my board for this hack is the postbit but that should not be causing any problems right? I have also not updated to 3.0.7 im on 3.0.6 cause I don?t have the HTML security problem and Im lazy (lol)?
I can?t wait till this hack gets past beta. I normally don?t fool around with betas but I love this hack. I could contribute to it if I could get that darn thing working so I can test out my templates.