Originally Posted by Teegtahn
Is the handbook customizable by admins?
Is this live edit or do we have to dig through the code or make a HTML page for it?
WYSWYG editor?
Where is this exactly placed on the modcp pannel? does it replace the Help ( ? ) buttons?
sorry for the flood of questions, its just some of this stuff i would need to know before i went installing it on my forum.
To edit, simpy edit the template 'modbook'.
These are really the only html tags' you'll need:
<br> - new line
<b> text here </b> - Bold
<i>text here</i> - itallic
<img src="link to image" border="0" width="width here" height="height here"> - Replace the height, URL and width.
Any more question's on the customisation, PM me.
And this will not remove anything, but show at the bottom of the modCP