Well I'm not a minister nor a philosopher hell I'm not even a religious man!
But I can't help but point out a few things that have caught my attention along the
finer parts of our surroundings that seem to suggest that our existence is part of a
higher structured system beyond our own reasoning abilities.
As an educated nation how many people choose to ignore these details and work so hard
to adopt and maintain alternate explanations to support the origin and destination of
mankind? I was always aware that some people would not want to be part of a Godly
arrangement but what amazes me is the amount of people who choose an alternate theory
above the other despite the scientific advances that are at our disposition.
In my opinion, there is living life and then there is "life!" as a free moral agents
we have the greatest freedom other all other living things. The gift of reason.
Now I won't assume that everyone here shares my excitement on the origins of life.
But when I sit and contemplate things, my mind strains under the complexities of the
question at hand.
We seem to be limited by our own knowledge of the world that surrounds us. This raises
questions as to our own abilities to accurately analyze the entire higher intelligence
Although there is evidence that we have the capacity to analyze information on an abstract
level, our logical minds prove limited when we try to analyze ideas beyond our own
When I examine things that surround us, I continue to see persistent evidence of a highly
structured system beyond our control, from a logical standpoint the possibilities of a
force supporting those laws is most probable.
As for the question "who is God" the bible does address this issue in the very beginning.
Which in turn raises more questions, the bibles authenticity. It does pick my curiosity
considering the evolutionary state of mankind in that era that the bible would have been
written which raises more surprising scenario's on the state and development of mankind
along an evolutionary path.
But that is another fascinating topic all together.
I find the entire existence and origin concept a very fascinating and exciting
subject. I would encourage anyone to research within the materials that are available
to us and see for yourself that life as we know it is filled with mysteries and
characteristics that continue to prove that we are part of a world that is far beyond
our limited abilities.
I say "God" is an unknown force that exists outside our own realm, he has a personality
and seems to of taken an active role not only in the creation of everything that surrounds
us but also cares for us in a scale above all things including the documented angels.
Whoever raised this subject, I commend you. You are in some way lucky to have the maturity
to seek out your answers, many people don't really care about the God and human concept.
In most cases from discussions I have participated in along my life I found that most people
don't want to be part of a Godly driven system, that they just want to do what they want to
do and that the Idea of God at any level would put them in a position of subjection.
Well that's my take on the matter, hope someone finds my points interesting

who knows
maybe someday I'll write a book on this fascinating subject.