Originally Posted by Ymeaga1n
This hack is crap. I'm sorry I've been running it for about 9 months now althought the intergration with vBulletin is good, that's about all it has. Admins/mod have very little (in my option none) to manage what is going on in the system. History system is worthless, members bank can't be viewed by admin, exploits still exist on it that can allow members to get millions worth of points. Check out the following members history, this is his ONLY page of history. He has a total of 23 posts on the board and is registered for 6 months now.
There is still a banking glitch somewhere.
This addon is underdeveloped and isn't worth the time it takes to install. All it's there for is to give you petty little features to make members feel special.
Maybe you should upgrade to 0.95b, since that fixes all known exploits. Seriously. There hasn't been an exploit since 0.95b, but there were a few before that. If you are going to say there is an exploit, at least either show some evidence that an exploit exists in the current version.