Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
I should edit those instructions. Rename the tables using the query I gave, use the journal installer from this hack, then use the importer.
Edit: in your case, install the journal as you would on a clean install, then run the importer again.
Thanks! After installing (and having a few problems along the way), I installed it and can currently view the entries. Just a few problems remain:
1. When installing, I saw this:
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'journalmodulenotactive', 'The journal module has been deactivated.', 1000)
mysql error: Duplicate entry 'journalmodulenotactive-0-1000' for key 2
I assume it's probably because of the previous journal setup, so I dunno if you (or AN, or anyone else) could perhaps find a way to either install the missing phrases or make a phrase-uninstall script so I can try this again.
2. While it did import the entries and such, certain words like "I've" appear as "I/'ve" and whatnot, so I'm not sure if there's a way to fix this (other than editing each entry)
Thanks in advance for anyone's help