E-Mail Usergroup on New Thread
I would like to see a hack that would e-mail *everyone* in a specified usergroup when a new thread is posted in a certain forum.
So if you have a usergroup "Special Group" and you make a new thread in the forum Special Group Announcements, they are e-mailed with an e-mail to the effect of:
Hello $username,
A new thread has been posted in "Special Group Announcements", click here to read/view this thread.
Community Staff
I know vBulletin does offer an e-mail on post feature, but you can't target a specified usergroup.
If anyone is up for taking this on, I know I would certainly appreciate it and love to see the hack as I am sure others would as well. A hack like this would easily prove useful for newsletter providers that do not want to directly e-mail a large newsletter to their members and prefer their users view in a neatened HTML over boring text.
Again, anyone that's up to it, I would appreciate it greatly.