Originally Posted by sv1cec
Pimpery, not all of us have extreme experience in SQL or php or the works. From the example you show, I can assume two things :
1. The problems is that anyone can see the admin's warnings.
2. The slash at the end may allow hackers to insert code (for this I am not sure, but having spend some time reading articles I got containing the "SQL injection" phrase here, that's what I assume.
I am going to spend some more time today, figuring out this whole issue, but what I fail to understand is the function you provided.
So, please, instead of just posting a warning thread, saying VERY BIG HOLE WOLF, WOLF, you could spend some minutes helping me out understand how to close the hole and how to use that code. As I said, not all of us were born with that knowledge.
pimpery did post an explanation on how to patch it. goto the first post blindy :nervous:
and how did he say WOLF WOLF....just because you cant code doesnt mean you have to take it out on him. He did explain why there's a big hole in the first post as well.
Input isnt escaped before being put into the sql query. Seriously, what the ****. A premium modification that doesn't even check the input