Originally Posted by Soup
Typically you're going to have a globalize() line inside each 'do' section, where it globalizes all the variables that you need for that 'do' section. You could globalize it all at the beginning (after including global.php) and everything will work just fine, but it is not 'clean' coding and will add a slight (negligible in my opinion) load for intializing variables don't exist otherwise (though that most likely will not have a noticeable effect, it's just the principle of it  )
The first parameter of globalize is passed along as a reference, so the original variable is changed and you could continue to use $_GET['foo'] after globalizing it. However it is usually much less to write if you just use $foo instead and will make the code a bit more nicer looking.
Many thanks for this quite interesting tuitorial. Really very very helpful.
I have applied your suggestions, and I'll release a new version of AWS in a while.
Kind regards and many thanks