Originally Posted by SnowBot
OK installed and working as far as i can tell but can we make it so it goes for a reply also and not just a new thread?
Also i have just noticed my agreed rules dont show up in the members profile page, any idea why?
Adding the Agreement page to the new reply link will need many modifications in files and templates, since there is a quick reply and normal reply page, and I didn't want to do that.
but maybe in a future release
I didn't want to have all agreed rules listed in member profile page by default unless you have included a url with that rule when you created it, cos I know there are many administrator "like myself" are going to use this hack for some other purpose, maybe an announcemnt or HowTo's, or just displaying a warning, ..etc, message to someone befor allowing them to post, and I don't think I want to list these "not reall rules" as an agreed rules in that member's profile page.
you can go around it by adding a url there, maybe your website url!