Originally Posted by sananedir
please check my link http://www.gidforums.com/t-689.html
it seems he made his forums as html like an advanced version of vbulletin's archive system
i think his hack does not even use mysql when someone browses his html please someone help me how can i find this hack already searched these forums
Thank you for your recent email sananedir. I will just reply here...
It's not actually a hack of the vbulletin script (except for some minor template modifications), it's simply Apache's mod-rewrite doing all the work. I am sure there are already many "mod rewrite" howtos on this forum. Otherwise search Google for
mod rewrite +vbulletin.
FYI, I struggle everyday to optimise my server (just like everyone else) - though the pages on my forum may look like static pages, I assure you they are not