Originally Posted by BaconDelight
I have marked the various corrections needed to make your post grammatically correct in yellow. Hopefully, seeing as you're apparantly an idiot because you don't use perfect grammar or spelling, you will immediately resign from whatever board you are running. Or PERHAPS you will just learn to deal with the fact that not everyone is perfect and that not everyone cares to deal with perfect grammar when positng on a message board.
Haha...gee thanks for spell checking my post, The (The...seeee?) point of this was to keep a few people away from the site who were extremely annoying. I got sick of reading posts like these,
eastlondon boy seen! everytink sorted???
slicknsexc u safe? me chillin
yeh me kool
chillin n dat
just in college at da mo
wt u been up2 lately?
And the eye pains go on and on. I understand nobody is perfect at grammar but for god sakes its a message board, and you should at least try to make your post make sense.
I also understand that it only accepts "Grammar" and not "grammar" and that was for a reason.
It is your choice to install this mod or not. If you see it fit for your forums then go ahead and install it, I don't mind if you modify the code to your liking, that is if you know php. I won't support anybody who has modified the original code though.