I did some searching and troubleshooting yesterday, but I can't figure out what the problem is for the life of me. Neither can the other programmer, and he's integrated this system into vB before!
Anyway, this is the code in my phpinclude_start template:
PHP Code:
if (@include(getenv('/blah/blah/blah/ads/phpadsnew.inc.php')) {
if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array();
$phpAds_raw = view_raw ('', 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context);
And here is the table row where the banners are supposed to display:
<td width="470" height="51"><img src="http://www.southwestracing.net/images/midleft.jpg" width="470" height="51"></td>
<td width="390" height="51">$phpAds_raw[html]</td>
Now I'm absolutely positive my absolute path is correct, so I don't know what the deal is. Anyone have any ideas?
Nevermind, I just used the Remote JS Invocation and it's working.