I need a little help. The hack install is flawless on my system. The problem I am having is with the templates. We have the standard groups of Admin (6), Super Mod (5), Mod (7). We also have a 4th group called Asst. Admins (11). The hierarchy of the groups from top down is as follows: Admin (6), Asst Admin (11), Super Mod (5) then Mod (7). I am trying to edit the conditionals in the Postbit, Postbit Legacy and Memberinfo templates but I am lost. Can anyone post the correct edits to add group Asst. Admin (11) to the above listed templates? Just to clarify the structure, the only person who should be able to warn the Asst. Admin is the Admin group. Without changing any of the conditionals in the template modifications described in the hack, the Asst. Admins can issue warnings but can not view the already issued warnings. I need to correct this.