Well I finally have my board fix. My forumdisplay.php was mess up and thanks to my buddy for fixing it. Anyways I'm not sure if i'm suppose to say the word "Emu" around here, if i not feel free to edit my post you MOD/Admin or Community Staff :lick: . Our board had a 91 must online which I know some of you are going to say. "I had more" but for us our max was 14 now it's 91. My forum is about gaming, GFX, and a chillin place. We also do clan for games online. Near future we might do a clan for SFO (street fighter online). Anyways some people might not like the skin we have at this moment, but don't worry. I will change it for you kidos.
Here the site
www.gameworld2.com/cgi/forum. Remember when you register if you do to read the rules. :devious: