Originally Posted by The Geek
You need to edit the settings in geek-gallery-popup.php
That is where the settings are (as per readme  )
I deed!
And get error:
Warning: getimagesize(
http://www.pdatotaal.info/gallery/files/1/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /geek-gallery-popup.php on line 198
And no pictures
But found it! When there is no tumbnail but use a standard tumbnail you get this..
btw something wrong in maunal:
Upload admincp/geekgallerypopup__install.php to your admin folder (i.e. http://www.bobsfluffyfriends.com/forum/admincp/)
Done that? Good. Now run it (ie point your browser to http://www.franksfunkygyros.com/forum/admincp/geekarticles_install.php)
geekarticles_install.php must be geekgallerypopup__install.php :devious: