This guy is a very immature "kid". He asked me to help him with his site a month or so ago, and I have helped him install hacks and other such things. Sometimes, when I said I wouldn't do a hack because I didn't want to, he would tell me he's reporting my site for fraud, and other such "childlike" threats.
Yesterday his site went down.
Quickly, he assumes I did it and ims me on AIM saying:
So I goto the site and sure enough, there's a database error. I ask him to check for any keyloggers, and he even sends me a picture of his task manager. He has so much spyware and other ++++ running, I just told him to use, to search for the processes. I also gave him a prog called Security Task Manager.
He evidently is dumb; you can clearly see it if you visited his site in the past.
thats a google cache of the frontpage
he basically wanted to "buff" up his website with lots of childlike stuff, so you get the idea...hes immature
after being frustrated about his site, and not being able to use google. he ends up just having one thing in his mind.
then he went and posted his thread. made death threats to me on aim, and numerous other offensive things.
i dont know about you guys, but anyone who has ever dealt with this guy, should know he's a lower form of life.
heres an example of a convo with him:
i DeN On fIrE: kk
i DeN On fIrE: u canadian +++++ burn in hell wit ur ++++in family