Originally Posted by noppid
This is the part where you say hummmm...
I totaled my car and it's in a lake and I have no money for a new one.
I got a ticket for being a nuesance in public and I can't affort the fine if I buy a new toy to make more noise in public.
I resent having to act like an adult, yet I want to be taken seriously like one.
I wonder what it's like in jail?
Car? I totaled my 4 wheeler. You know the things that are like dirt bikes but with 4 wheels?

Maybe you call em atv's?
And I can aford the fine, I just don't think I should pay it, like I already said many times in this thread that will be for the judge to decide. The new amp is required so I can have sponsership on my car, I just trying to make some loot off a hobby

Unless you where talking about the new 4 wheeler I want...well right now I don't have one to ride, and there is nothing better then hitting the trails in the summer time with my friends and riding all day.