With this cron, it runs without error but nothing get moved. I do have it set for 2 different forums to move into one. Here's a peek:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if ($DB_site == NULL)
global $DB_site;
// you only need to edit the number of days only
$movedate = strtotime("now -365 days");
// edit the forum id number where the threads have to be moved FROM
// edit the forum id number where the threads have to be moved TO
// do not edit below
SET forumid = $toforuma
Where lastpost <= $movedate
AND forumid = $fromforuma
// do not edit above
// edit the forum id number where the threads have to be moved FROM
// edit the forum id number where the threads have to be moved TO
SET forumid = $fromforumb
Where lastpost <= $movedate
AND forumid = $toforumb
// do not edit above
Any ideas?