well you, the forumid is auto selected by your team, you dont need forumid of the forum as you cannot axx it from anyother page (all of premission denied you getting)
you can find your team forum via team privte area
you wont find it on acp cuse the hack hides the forums on acp
about the english, well im sorry for my bad english
but every 1 around know only how to complain and to says i fixed the code
so if all of them "fixed" the code how is that i never saw a fix's ? maybe 1 word add as it is minor bugs
also no1 wants to help and point me to spell problems so i cant fix what i dont know its worng.
any way i saw the comments around and i decied not to post the new versions of the hack around here, as ppl feels some1 own them something when he puts he's on free time to post FREE code modifcation
i puted lots of work and lots of thinking on this hack, the true's im sorry that i posted it around here, but i wont remove it
ill keep develop it for myself and few other guys around that i can trust on them
to bad its had to get to this point.