Just to update everyone on the next version here is what is being added for version 1.10.
HelpDesk Settings
Master On/Off Switch - With a phrase like vBulletin's master On/Off Switch.
HelpDesk Switch Message - For the On/Off Switch.
Usergroups With Department Access - This is where you select the usergroups who have the managing department access and usergroup settings access.
Allow New Tickets - You will now be able to turn off the accepting of new tickets.
No New Ticket Message - Same as the HelpDesk Switch Message. This will give you the option to display the text you want when you're not allowing new tickets.
Automated Response - Has 3 options, None, PM, and Email. You can send a message via one of those ways to users after submitting a new ticket.
Department - The name of the department.
Display Order - The order to display the departments.
Usergroups - The usergroups who have access to the departments.
Usergroup Settings
Users will now be able to limit each usergroup based on these settings (except for guests):
Can Create Tickets
Can Edit Tickets
Can Delete Tickets
Can Close Tickets
Can Open Tickets
I am about 75% done implementing everything and it's quite possible that the next version will be released tonight. If not then at the latest this weekend. Version number is most likely to change also.
Oh, and still no file edits!