Great script. I've had installed for some time now and I chose the option to allow the new user to enter their own message on registration. Most do edit it, but some let the default message go through. But it has helped to get users to open up a bit and start posting. At least they start off with a post count of 1.
One thing though, I just noticed that my welcome emails to new registrants aren't going out. They are getting the "Activate your account" emails ok, but not the welcome email, neither after registration or after they have activated their account. I double checked my settings and the Welcome email box is checked "Yes".
Not blaming your script, but there seems to be a minor conflict with vbulletins' register.php script and this one. Because the new user now has a post count of 1, even though they have yet to activate or even if they have, the welcome email fails to go out. There is a line in register.php, around line 1495:
// activate account
$username = unhtmlspecialchars($userinfo['username']);
if ($vboptions['welcomemail'] AND !$userinfo['posts']) {
vbmail($userinfo['email'], $subject, $message);
$username = $userinfo['username'];
eval(print_standard_error('registration_complete') );
In the highlighted
AND !$userinfo['posts']) means that if the user has a post count the welcome email does not go out. I deleted that one conditional, and tested it out by having a friend go and do a test registration. He got the Welcome email! If you have your settings set to "Moderate new members", or if you have your welcome on registration settings set to have the Admin "Welcome Message" displayed, this point is moot. But if you have the same conditions as I do, and your welcome emails aren't going out, you may want the check the above section in register.php. Of course this is a temp fix. Could a conditional be added in the "New Thread on Registration" script to work around this particular conflict?