There were no errors that I saw, but the the folders were not made.
When I was on articles.php?action=submitarticle I saw the uncached templates. I have a hack I got from here that shows the number of queries in the footer, so that was how I noticed.
See here
The images for the categories were not lined up although they were centered. I did a copy paste into front page and the table or tds were not all the same size. So the pics were centered, but the box was smaller/bigger than the others.
I thought it was just a FireFox thing, but the same thing happened in IE6. When I set the width then there was no more problem.
One more thing I just noticed now that I got some entries. On one of the Articles it was being stretched way off to the right. I determined that it was the web page addy being displayed for the user info section on the right (with their avatar, post count etc). It was not wrapping.
I commented out that code since I didnt want it posted anyways, but just an FYI that if someone has a long url for a home page it could mess up the look of any of their Articles.