Originally Posted by Zain Jaffer
The hack only checks the availability/size of your links/files at certain times. For simple links or for downloadable files which are obviously within the file structure of your own web server (i.e. have no URL associated with them), this happens when the entry is set up. However, if it is a download which involves a URL, the check happens the first time someone (including possibly yourself) accesses it, because the check involves reading the whole file from the remote site.
I've just done this to one of your entries that was showing "status unknown". After accessing it and refreshing the links page, the description has changed to saying [52 kbytes] i.e. the file size.
If you don't like this behaviour, you can always edit the links_linkbit template. Find and delete the line which reads as follows:
<if condition="$linkstatus==0"> [$vbphrase[ll_unknown_status]]</if>