I've run across a problem uploading files that appears to be related tofilesize. The php.ini on our server limits file uploads to 2MB or less,but if I try to upload a file that's 1.6 MB it fails with either"Document contains no data" or a "page not found" error -- neither avery elegant way of failing. It would be good to include a filesizecheck on uploads, if that's possible... or at the very least add anadmin option to set a limit that is displayed on the upload screen("Maximum upload file size is xx") so that users know not to tryuploading anything larger.
Also there are a few spelling errors on some of your pages. - On the Add file page, recomended should be recommended (two m's).
- On the Stats, Search and My Files pages, comming should be spelled coming (one m). Personally, I have an aversion to "coming soon" type pages. I'd rather you left that out until it was really there.
- In the User Info box, you used Your when you should've used You're or You are. Personally, I'd rather just see Logged in as nnnnn.
One other note, if you add phrases, it makes it 1000 times easier toadapt to other languages and it makes it easier for people to changethe wording of things like "You're logged in as... " to simply "Loggedin as..." to suit their preferences. I know it's more work to code, butin the end, you'll get much appreciation!
All in all I just want to say thank you for what is shaping up to be anexcellent mod. I really like the layout and the work you've put intoit. Keep up the great work!