Originally Posted by lowandloudinc
well everything installed smoothly but now how do i know if i have an error and also how will i know it works?
You need someone to make a post using a proxyip address. I tested my own by going to a website which issues free proxy ip addresses and then in my browser internet options I selected proxy server and input the proxy ip address. If you can't do that then I'll test it for you if you give me temporary access to post on your forum.
I also wonder whether this query will work?
// Paul M Proxy Hack v1.2
// ### POST NEW POST ###
(threadid, parentid, title, username, userid, dateline, pagetext, allowsmilie,
showsignature, ipaddress, proxyip, iconid, visible, attach)
($threadinfo[threadid], $parentid, '" . addslashes($post['title']) . "',
'" . addslashes($post['postusername']) . "', $bbuserinfo[userid], " . TIMENOW . ",
'" . addslashes($post['message']) . "', $post[enablesmilies], $post[signature],
'" . addslashes($post['ipaddress']) . "','" . addslashes($post['proxyip']) . "', $post[iconid], $post[visible], $totalattachments)
// End Proxy Hack
The query is calling the table called post. That is not the name of your post table. Have you changed that?
Perhaps this part of the query (TABLE_PREFIX) makes the query work with tables that use prefixes like yours. If it didn't have that I doubt it would work properly. Fantastic that Jelsoft thought about that when coding the software.
Update: I've done some further research and found that vB2 did not support table prefixes but vB3+ does. This quote from vB.com:
Originally Posted by Zachery
When you install vBulletin, you can define a table prefix, by default there is not one. However in config.php there is a setting that tell you if you have one or not: $tableprefix
Paul, I wonder whether you should ammend your query to include TABLE_PREFIX to stop people with table prefixes from getting query errors and enable them to execute the query properly?