Originally Posted by SVTOA
Subjective conclusion. Since you, inyourmind,donotsubscribe to the ideology, what is there tofearthen?
Idon'tfear anything - well, that's not true - I feardogs-I've beenbittenby them before, and no doubt they'll do it again,soIstay awayfromdogs - but god on the other hand - there is notasingleshreadofevidence to prove that he exists, or that there isaheaven orhelloranything else like that..
My comment, it was a joke.. not to be taken seriously (too late, eh?).
Originally Posted by SVTOA
I'm quite certain that many a "numerical Genius" professes a belief in a higher power or God.
WhenI was a kid, I used to believe in a magical ring that would showmethefuture- it was nothing really, just an old plastic ring Ifoundinsidea xmascracker - but to me, and my over-active imagination,itreallyshowed methe future - so I *believed* in the power of the ring-doesthat meanthe ring really was able to tell the future? Ihighlydoubtit...
Just because someone believes something, that does notmakeittrue..People *believed* that Sadam had WMD - doesn't changethefactthat hedidn't - and so what if
"numerical Genius"believe-whatauthority are they? I also don't believe this sithecase,whenpresenting evidence like this, you should also includeareferecetowhere you found it, so we can examin the evidence, findoutwhomakesthis claim, and wither or not it's true...
You've a lot to learn about science my young padawan...
(PS, for the most part, I agree with what sirbutts said, Ipersonallywould not have said it in quite the same way, but I we're alldiffrent).