Originally Posted by Ninth Dimension
well, i'm going to hell then...
Subjective conclusion. Since you, in your mind, do not subscribe to the ideology, what is there to fear then?
I am somewhat amused by the ignorance of "sirbutts", that's all. It seems thruout the history of humankind, persons of deep intellectual character have subscribed to the idea of faith, so does that faith somehow invalidate the great things they have done or accomplished? To demean them as "stupid people" seems rooted in hatred and intolerance.
What people choose to believe is their business. Includes people who choose not to believe in a Supreme Being or Creator. However, to insult people or demean them simply because they subscribe to a different concept is ignorant and hateful.
I didn't think you would bother to read those passages, however it seems that you did, so you obviously have access to a King James Bible. I do respect that you choose to believe as you do, that's your choice as a human being. I choose differently. Neither one of us is deserving of the label "dumb people"
I'm quite certain that many a "numerical Genius" professes a belief in a higher power or God.