Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
A demo can be found on my forum: http://gzevolution.net/forums (you have to register though .. no i'm not advertising o_o)
But if you can't be bothered to register, i have posted 9 previews of the system in my main post which you can look at
The exit link was removed, since the clicking of x was put in, but you can still use the /exit command
The pop up window checks to see if the window was closed, if your using Internet Explorer, you have to wait a second or 2 for it to close, if your using Mozilla, it should close practicly instantly, one of the few js codes that works better for Mozilla than it does Internet Explorer .. lol
I'll release a minor update to fix that smile problem and make sure that template is cached
Thanks for the feedback everyone, appreciated,
- Zero Tolerance
OK, some ... critic after spending the entire morning to install 2.0 and bring it up to my specs:
1. The exit method (clicking on the window's X button, top right corner) still does not erase the user from the list. I think you can fix that, by deleting the session record, something like :
PHP Code:
$DB_site->query("delete from ".TABLE_PREFIX."session WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND location like '%vBChat.php%'");
in the exit command.
2. If I am not mistaken, when someone views the help screen, the navigation bits are wrong, it thinks it is somewhere else, but I've changed it in my files and I do not remember where it was pointing to.
3. A couple of problems were faced by people with Internet Explorer, but not with Firefox or Netscape.
The first problem is that some times, the message they were trying to post, got erased, as the refresh occured in the background. That's what they told me, I haven't seen it happening.
The second problem, which I saw it myself, was that as they typed things, the program was taking each word they were typing and posted whatever was typed until then, as a new message, as if the user was pressing Enter (or the Post button), after every word they typed. This happened twice with two different users using IE. I am not sure if it happened because at the same time, I was doing some mods, or if it is a problem, I'll keep you updated on that.