I am getting the following errors when I click on a forums that I designated in the options to be an article forum:
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /includes/functions_geekarticles.php on line 120
Appears at the top of the page, and I also get a vbulletin warning box that says:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
It can be only one of two things:
I munged something up. I followed the instructions meticulously, and went back and looked over every file edit line by line (tedious) but found nothing. Is there something in the error messages that would point me in the right direction to where I screwed up, at least?
I don't use cookies per se on this board - I have disabled the "remember me" checkbox, so logins are sessions based. I do this because it is an admin-related site for my company and I am tired of employees forgetting to log out on public computers. I'm not sure if this is the problem - I have both vBadvanced CPMS and vBugs installed on this forum (they are the only hacks on an otherwise fresh 3.0.7 install) but I bring it up anyway.
Any one have any ideas?
Thank you!
I just tried it with "Remember me" checked so that cookies are used, and got the exact same errors, so that isn't it. I must have messed something up, but for the life of me I cannot find it - I went back over the install step by step.