Alright, run the following queries, change vb3_ to your table prefix
If you get any mySQL errors while doing any, just ignore them, it means you already have that part installed.
alter table vb3_vbchat_datastore
add d_smiliedisplay tinyint(2) not null default '1',
add d_smilieamount int(15) not null default '10',
add d_allowbantag tinyint(2) not null default '1',
add d_chatrooms text not null default '',
add d_maxrooms int(15) not null default '5';
alter table vb3_user
add vbchat_pref_status varchar(10) not null default '',
add vbchat_pref_auto_on tinyint(2) not null default '0',
add vbchat_pref_auto_msg varchar(255) not null default '',
add vbchat_pref_in_room int(15) not null default '0';
alter table vb3_vbchat_store
add s_forroom int(15) not null default '0';
alter table vb3_vbchat_datastore
add d_smilequery tinyint(2) not null default '0',
add d_autoprune tinyint(2) not null default '1',
add d_autoprunedays int(15) not null default '1';
After doing those, re-check all area's of the system, things should be working just fine for ya
- Zero Tolerance