Originally Posted by GatorLCA
It works but only after you clear your cookies, or log-out. I think what some people are saying and/or want with 3.0.3 (including myself) is even if you hit the back button and want in the password protected forum that you have to re-enter the password, but it does not do this with 3.0.3. Only after you log-out and log-in again does it ask not everytime you want to access it.
I don't want my users to have to log-in everytime, but so far this is working better than the standard way.
I think that is a cookie session issue.
Follow me if you will, your session for X amount of time on the site counts as a "visit". I think VB by default is 15 min. My cookie session on my site is set @ 900sec. -- 900 / 60 = 15min.
I will look around to see if it is possible to code a custom cookie setting for PW forums. Perhaps it is an "if, then" statement <if> user clicks a different forum <then>logout of PW forum.