Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
no one answered my question about implementing Real Player Streams but this hack says "supported". I do not like it if people do not care about their hacks. I care about my hacks which i released. Hopefully the author is just AFK for a short period of time.
Regardless of this i sat down and implemented it on my own. I have now Windows Media Player and Real Player Stream on my VBRadio.
The Sunshine live Stream is the Real Player Stream marked with the (R). All other streams marked with (W) are Windows Media Player streams.
If you want to have a look on your own http://www.LoveTalks.de/forum/
Hint: This is a german site !!!
If people are interested in this recoding then please post it here. I had to modify all files and also do database changes. If the author is interested i would be more then happy to share my changes.
Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
This is very interesting, and I would love to see what you have to offer, and I am sure that Zero Tolerance would, also.
Zero Tolerance, will you please give your permission for Pseudomizer to post this code? Thanks.