Originally Posted by erratic assasin
Ok I have sorted the problem of looped login in admincp just upload the php file to you /forum/ directory and then run the file www.yoursite.com/forum/fix_login.php
thats it all done. .
And im not taking any credit for the php file just letting you know it fix's problem :banana:
I do not recommend this fix, highly not !
this file will change your setting automatically, 3 settings: cookiedomain, cookiepath and timeoutcontrolpanel
timeoutcontrolpanel is set to 0 means you will never be logged out automatically, this is a security risk. Vb has this in vb3.0.0 but later they add a session timeout so that you will be kicked out after a specific idle time.
The only good fix for this is to change the adv-admincp.php?
s=add to something else, because as default VB uses
s for session value.
just my 2 cent