Originally Posted by Oloh
I was wondering if anyone knew how to custom colors. I went through almost every post and couldnt figure out how to do it. I am looking for a theme matching the site:
Thanks in advance. If anyone knows what I can do to customize the chat colors to match the rest of my site, i'd be grateful.
I use this but have never messed with anything other than sizing it but.... I think if you use the notes below it will allow you to customize the colors somewhat. You would add the parameter statements in vbxirc_index template in the parameter section between the applet tags of course. You might just create a section like:
<!-- start custom colors -->
<param name="bla bla bla> (proper syntax's below)
<param name="bla bla bla>
<param name="bla bla bla>
<!-- end custom colors -->
basecolor : Tells the applet to compute the interface colors from three given
--------- values, in red, green and blue. These values goes through 0 to
Example :
<param name="basecolor" value="384,256,128">
colorI, with I a figure : Tells the applet to modify the given color index to
------ the given color. This command is processed AFTER the
basecolor command.
The following color codes are defined :
0 : black
1 : white
2 : dark gray
3 : gray
4 : light gray
5 : foreground
6 : background
7 : selection
8 : event
9 : close
10 : voice
11 : operator
12 : halfoperator
13 : male ASL
14 : female ASL
15 : unknown ASL
Example :
<param name="color1" value="C0C000">