Originally Posted by memobug
My commbull.php is pretty hacked up but generally you want to
1. Look for a line that looks like this
$datesql = "AND (lastpost>$olddate OR dateline>$olddate)";
and replace it with this:
$datesql = "AND (dateline>$olddate)";
2. You'll also need to check the box in the commbull setup titled "Select Items to include in your mailing.... Only include threads that have been started or replied to since this date? YES
Let me know if this produces the desired result.
Hey Matt,
It did produce the desired results but partly...
I am picking up the threads for right dates but only the new threads.. I am not picking up most viewed or most replied threads!!
I am certain that is the commbull.php file. I was wondering if someone can lend me their commbull.php file which is working OK on their vB board.
im running 3.0.3.