Hi Ron1n and thanks for an awesome hack of yours
Still, after reading 15 pages of hints and tricks, i still haven`t come up with any good solutions for my problem...
I`ve installed it without any errors, displaying the downloads.php just fine, so well for the uploading bit, but when i try to download, i get the errro page:
You don't have permission to access /forum/downloads/_Cyber_Newfilenametest2_.zip on this server.
Okey, i have readed several places about url`s and cmod`ing... here goes:
My download_config.php displays this:
$INFO['d_perpage'] = '20';
$INFO['d_disable'] = '0';
$INFO['u_url'] = '/var/www/html/forum/downloads/';
$INFO['d_url'] = '/forum/downloads/';
$INFO['d_order'] = '`name`';
And yes, i chmod the downloads/ dir to 777
Still i get that error message...
but if i try to login thrue FTP, and look at the chmod ON files, it get strange...
The upload chmod the files to 600 !!!
It`s not strange then why i can`t download it.. hehe
But why?! And where does this hack do anything with chmod`s ??
I`m not sure what the solution for this is, so again after reading all pages i din`t find any answer on this. (If im not blind, that is).
Hope you have a answer for me here ?!
btw.. uses version 1.0e