Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Ok then simply do not install hacks. vBulletin does not support you hacking your forum. They do not consider this when releasing updates. They release updates to fix bugs and security issues.
The next vBulletin release will I think help the modification community.
Well that's the way I'm heading.
At the next major release I shall be installing an arcade only. This is comparatively easy to rehack each time once the templates are sorted out.
The rest will have to be standard and default, because none of this is even remotely practical for people who have to hold down day jobs as well.
I don't mind doing it from time to time, but this is the fourth time since Christmas and it's just getting silly.
I have no complaints with Jelsoft having to do it, just pointing out that it's impractical for quite a few of us, and an alternative solution has to be found. That alternative, as you state, is not using hacks, but as I have also stated, if lots of people do that the modification community will die.